(After Call Work Time or Wrap—up Time)事后處理時間
(Percent Calls Handled on the First Call)一次性解決問題的呼叫率
(Percent of Calls Placed in Queue)隊列放置率
(Percent of Calls Transferred)轉接呼叫率
(Percent Offered Calls Answered)電話響應百分比
(Service Level)服務水平
(Total Calls Offered)總呼叫數(shù)
(TSR Turnover)值機員流動率
(abandon rate)放棄率
(behaviorally actionable)可控行為
(Calls per Hour)每小時呼叫次數(shù)
(Monitoring Scores)監(jiān)聽分值
(Occupancy Rate)占有率
(Percent Abandon)呼叫放棄率
(Percent Agent Utilization)值機員利用率
(Percent Attendance)出勤率
(Percent Blocked Call)忙音率
(sampling frame)取樣設計
(soft data)軟數(shù)據(jù)
(statistical significance)顯著性檢驗
(stratified sampling)分組取樣
(survey cycle time)調(diào)查周期時間
(total calls offered)總呼叫數(shù)
(TSR turnover)值機員流動率
(word of mouth)口碑
(wrap—up time)事后處理時間
(Bivariate analysis)統(tǒng)計分析中同時有兩個變量起作用的多元分析
(Confidence interval)置信度
(customer lifetime value)客戶的終生價值
(customer retention)客戶保持度
(customer share)客戶占有率
(dependent variable)因變量
(external metrics)外部度量標準
(internal metrics)內(nèi)部度量標準
(hold time) 持線等待時間
(independent variable)自變量
(negative relationship)負關系
(percent of calls handled on the first call)一次性解決問題的呼叫率(
(percent of calls placed in queue) 隊列放置率
(positive relationship)正關系
(preferred vendor)優(yōu)先選擇的公司
(queue time)平均排隊時間
(random sample)隨機抽樣
?。ˋverage Abandonment Time)平均放棄時間
(Average Cost per Call)平均單呼成本
(Average Handle Time)平均通話時間
(Average Hold Time)平均持線等待時間
(Average Number of Ring)平均振鈴次數(shù)
(Average Queue Time) 平均排隊時間
(Average Speed of Answer)平均通話時間
(Average Talk Time) average handle time平均通話時間
(Average cost per contact)平均單呼成本